Just wanted to say hi and let you know that **** is doing great at the new school. He rides the bus without protesting. He really likes to go to school now. I thank God every day because he sent me the most amazing therapists to work with ****. You and ****** have changed my son’s life. I prayed a long time for a miracle and it came true thanks to you and ******. **** enjoys life, is able to go places and copes with changes in his day. We know it is a long road but we are here to guide him and help him to be more independent. We will be always grateful to you. Thank you *****.

I wanted to let you know how well things are working out with both ****** and *****. ***** has made so much progress since the Vital Behaviors team joined “team *****”, it’s hard to believe it has been just a little over 2 months since you picked-up our contract! ****** just “gets” ***** (always has) and she “gets” the dynamics of our family. She is super smart and knows how to collaborate with me/***, the school team, ****** Transportation, MSC and others to have us all working in harmony towards the same goals. And now that we have added ***** into to mix, we now have the dream team. ***** and ***** have bonded quickly and ***** works with her as if she has been with us for years. We are delighted to have ***** on board!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for bringing us these super ladies!

******** has been enrolled with Vital Behavior Services since 2013, for 3 years now. When ******** first began sessions, he was completely non-verbal, unable to focus, could not follow instructions and it was extremely difficult to engage ******** in play, work, or anything unless it was sensory stimulating for him. Today, ******** is verbal, has learned to follow multiple step directions, can focus on many tasks, will engage in play and work and has become much more independent!
Vital Behavior has created the structure and discipline that ******** needed in order to learn. They are the backbone to his wonderful progress, that has been a joy to watch! The staff is not only very knowledgeable and professional but they genuinely care! I am extremely grateful to have this fantastic resource available to us!”

“I reached out to VBS when my 12 year old son, who has autism and is nonverbal, was removed from his school setting as a result of escalating aggression and violent behaviors. Our school district recommended residential placement, which we did not want. We knew that at school **** was not receiving appropriate educational services and that his behaviors were increasing because they were being reinforced by well meaning but untrained staff. Since this had been going on for many years, we also knew this could be his last chance to obtain services that could help him achieve his potential. Thanks in large measure to Nicole and Jay Weinstein’s accessibility to our school district administration, we were fortunate that ultimately the district agreed to send VBS staff to our home to deliver full time ABA-VB educational services for ****. After the first couple of weeks, ****’s behaviors, which had previously been documented as virtually non-stop for a full five hour school day (and included delivering a broken nose and concussion), were decreased to just a few minutes a day and rarely included any aggression. What was even more wonderful was to see the transformation when **** realized the miracle and power of language. His sign language rapidly increased and one day it was as if a light bulb went off when suddenly and gleefully he started “talking” to me and his therapist about the things around him, telling us, in his way, about his stuffed dog or how the little bump on his leg was the result of a bug bite. A few weeks later, **** started “babbling” for the first time in his life and then began clearly forming a few words. I watched in amazement as he opted to speak a word over using a manual sign when he could effectively pronounce it. He continues to make astounding progress. Watching him grow and seeing his pride and his affectionate and trusting relationships with **** and ******** has been one of the most heartwarming experiences of my life. I cannot wait to see what he is doing a year from now!
In general, it has been a unique and special experience to witness the science of verbal behavior firsthand and to see that my little boy’s aggression and pain were clearly the result of having no way to express himself, his needs or his wishes. The brilliant and caring staff who work with him each day have given **** the courage to develop skills because they respond to him consistently and he knows they understand him. They constantly come up with new and creative ways to elicit further developmental leaps and provide my family not only with support and respect but with hands on education in verbal behavior so that we can maintain continuity when they are not here. We’ve never worked with staff as dedicated, professional and with such integrity.
Vital Behavior Services is providing a critical service by introducing Verbal Behavior to the public school system through highly trained, professional therapists. Their evidence-based services not only promote and facilitate inclusion – they can actually rescue children who might otherwise never develop communication skills and may even be institutionalized, as a result of escalating behaviors. Their work should be applauded and replicated throughout the country.
Hugo Ball once said, “Each thing has its word, but the word has become a thing by itself. Why shouldn’t I find it?” My family thanks VBS for asking, “Why, indeed?” and helping children like **** find the words to enhance their quality of life.”

“The IEP meeting went very well, they pretty much utilized most of the goals your team created. Those were very helpful. ***** will remain in the same school for now. He will be getting an aid that will be supervised under a BCBA for the entire 25 hours that he is in school. The staff will be taking a forty hour course on ABA as well, given by a BCBA. I think the results of the meeting were optimal given the circumstances.
I just want to say that ***** was absolutely instrumental in the meeting. She was informative, an active participant and advocated for ***** by stating the facts in an objective manner. She was very well liked and welcome by the other people involved in the meeting.I really couldn’t have done this without *****, she had a great influence in the positive changes that were made. She made me feel less alone and gave me guidance as needed. As I have told you in the past ***** is a great clinician but now I want to add she’s also a great person. If you are ever in need of any reference or recommendation for another parent, for *****, I would more than happily write a wholehearted recommendation…
Thank you for your choice in clinician, her clinical skills – her passion and devotion is something you do not see quite often. Honestly, we feel very lucky to have her.
Thanks again- you have also been wonderful and I will make sure that everyone connected to both of us finds out about this and how I would truly recommend Vital Behavior Services, if they are looking for a great behavioral therapist.”

“Thank you so much for the services you have provided *********. Both **** and ***** have been fantastic! We will truly miss them and hope we find great ABA Therapists in Texas. You have put us on a wonderful path of ABA Therapy, and for this we are grateful!”

“Thank you so much for presenting to our staff on Superintendents Conference Day! By all accounts, presentations were well received, and we know participants walked away with useful information that will transfer into the classrooms. Please know that your commitment and contributions helped make this conference day a very successful one.
Thank you once again for giving of your time, expertise and talents to support our work here in the ****** **** School District. We look forward to collaborating with you in the future for other professional development opportunities.”

“The ****** Early Education Partnership would like to thank you for presenting two Behavior Workshops at the first annual ****** i**** ******** Training Event on Saturday, May 5, 2012.
As you know this was a training event for ****** County childcare, nursery, and preschool staff that was intended to provide both an increased understanding of normal childhood expectations, as well as strategies for use in daily activities.
Participant feedback from both of your Workshops was extremely positive.
We sincerely appreciate your involvement in making this training an overwhelming success. Enclosed is a token of our appreciation.”